Success Stories

How ShyftUp Helped Evernote Increase Registration Volume By 48%

How ShyftUp Helped Evernote Increase Registration Volume By 48%

Evernote is a powerful productivity app that allows you to stay organized. With Evernote, you can take notes, plan projects, save files, and collaborate with others. The application of Evernote seems to be endless when you consider its easy-to-use but powerful features.

The note-taking app took the world by storm. Its story of success made it one of the most popular brands in its industry. According to Evernote’s website, they have more than 250 million users across the globe. As a result, their cloud-based data has reached 3 petabytes. In 2017, the reported value of Evernote is $1 billion.

The Challenge

While the numbers could already be impressive, Evernote is looking to scale and expand its reach. To do this, constant marketing strategies are planned and executed.

The main challenge of Evernote is to acquire more users while keeping the costs at their lowest or at least keeping them flat. Before the introduction of a new strategy, Evernote’s team used CSVs from various sources, which include their chosen keyword tools and measurement software. From there, the team would manually match the needed data and sort them out in such a way that they would understand the performance of their tracked keywords.

Particularly, the Evernote team would like to measure the number of registrations made within the app. By knowing this data, the team wants to understand how they can better increase in-app registration and what current strategies they need to retain or change.

Because of the immense need to manually go through the process of collecting, matching, sorting, and evaluating data, the team starts to become inefficient. They lose so much precious time that they could have used to brainstorm and plan out other important optimization campaigns.

The Solution

Evernote partnered with us, ShyftUp, to create a brand new Apple Search Ads strategy that aims to get more registration volume.

Because we want to ensure we are doing the best way to perform the ad campaign, we built the strategy from scratch. This allows us to have full control of how we can gather and measure performance.

To ensure the accurate and efficient gathering of data, we used We formulated the specific strategies to execute while using’s tool to track keyword performance and get a quick view of how the overall campaign is running. This allows Evernote to not just save time, but also to refocus on developing new plans for future market expansion.

Our cutting-edge software helps us to automate specific processes. Although this cut our work by half, there are still some remaining manual tasks. Thankfully, they have become minimal and manageable.

The increased automation and fewer manual jobs lower the tendency of human error plus they maximize accurate and quick results.

Key Results

ShyftUp’s reliable and effective marketing campaigns have led to an impressive 48% increase in the registration volume for Evernote. Aside from that, ShyftUp helped Evernote to lower its cost-per-registration by 6% in just three months.

Both the increase in registration volume and cost per registration allow Evernote to further scale up its business and lay the foundation for future growth.

Finally, with ShyftUp’s help, Evernote has converted a lot of manual work into an automated process to save them time, money, and effort.

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