Boost Your App Downloads with Google App Campaigns: Top Tips for 2023
Google App Campaigns

Boost Your App Downloads with Google App Campaigns: Top Tips for 2023


Buse Kanal

Google app campaigns remain to be one of the best ways for you to reach your potential users and dramatically increase your app visibility in various Google properties even in 2023. With app campaigns, you can create ads that will run in Google Search, YouTube, Google Play, Gmail, and Google Display Network. With the vast ad network of Google, you surely have more opportunities to build a successful app.

Now, as exciting as this may sound, not all app campaigns can give you the most number of downloads. There are ordinary app campaigns, and there are extraordinary app campaigns. The question now is, which group would your ads belong to?

Obviously, you want to have app campaigns that lead to more downloads. In short, you want extraordinary app campaigns. But how? That’s exactly what you are going to learn today.

In this post, we have gathered top tips for creating and running your Google app campaigns in 2023 and beyond. So, without any delay, here are the best ways to improve your app campaigns to drive numerous downloads.

1. Set Your Goals

The type of app campaign defines your goal. When setting your app campaign, you can choose “app promotion” as your goal. You would then have to choose the subtype, which includes “App installs,” “App engagement,” and “App pre-registration (Android only).”

Since we are talking about boosting your app downloads, then your goal should be “App installs.”

The App Installs or App Campaigns for Installs (ACi) primarily aims to encourage people to download and install your app. Google will serve ads to a specific group of people or individuals until they download your app.

Users don’t simply stay on one device. A good number of people use both their personal computers and mobile devices. So, how do you offer a seamless and convenient web-to-app experience to your users? You can do that with deep links.

Deep links allow you to direct users who interact with your mobile web ad to specific in-app content. This ensures that users can easily relate what they see on the mobile web and in your app. There would be less confusion and more chances for users to download your app. According to Google Data, app marketers who use deep links increase their conversion rate twice as much. Creating deep links may be challenging at first because there are technical steps you should take. Thankfully, Google simplifies the process by providing a detailed deep link guide.

3. Add Several High-Quality Creatives

The main difference between app campaigns from other types of Google ads is that with app campaigns, Google is the one who will create the ads for you. All you have to do is simply provide text, images, and videos. Google determines the best combination of these elements to come up with the best ads possible.

However, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have work to do. If you want Google to create high-quality ads, then you need to provide high-quality visual and text elements. This means that you must provide high-quality images and videos.

To start with, you can include up to 20 images, 10 texts, and 20 video assets in every ad group that you create. In addition to this, if you are a mobile game marketer, you can add up to 20 HTML5/playable assets.

To ensure you provide the best creatives, here are some key best practices to remember:

  • Write text that clearly and concisely describes your unique selling points. You write a text about a specific feature of your app. You can also tell users what makes your app the right choice for them. Be sure to include standalone phrases with varying lengths since every ad placement may have its own text limit. Be sure your calls to action are persuasive and compelling.
  • With images, avoid adding too much text. Don’t add logos as well. You must provide images with high pixel density. As much as possible, use the full ad frame with the least amount of blank space.
  • Videos must be engaging. Ideally, it should be between 10 to 30 seconds in length. Remember that ads may have different aspect ratios. Therefore, add videos in landscape, portrait, and square.

Google offers its Ad Strength feature, which is a tool that indicates how diverse your app campaign assets are and whether they are diverse enough or not. Regularly check your asset report. You’ll find out how your assets are doing and whether you should replace them or not.

4. Value User Privacy

Going digital has its pros and cons. One of the biggest concerns of users is privacy. For this reason, there’s always a shifting policy on how companies should handle privacy and security.

With this in mind, you need to constantly think about your users’ privacy if you don’t want to encounter legal and technical problems in the future. As early as possible, implement measures that would protect the privacy of your users. You can do this through the following:

  • Set up conversion tracking, which allows you to monitor how effective your app campaigns are in causing people to install your app.
  • Take advantage of Google Analytics 4, which is a tool that allows you to track the performance of your campaigns on both your website and mobile device. This allows you to see data simultaneously and separately for different platforms.
  • Be familiar with how Google’s conversion modeling works. This should tell you how Google measures the performance of your app campaign.
  • If you’re running iOS app campaigns, be sure to weigh the pros and cons of using the SKAdNetwork measurement framework. You can also use the on-device conversion measurement as well as the ATT prompt to gather more data about conversions.

Run the Best Google App Campaign Now

Google app campaign allows you to improve app visibility and downloads. However, how would you know whether you are running the best app campaign or not? How can you really set up the right app campaign that truly converts? Thankfully, ShyftUp has the answer.

ShyftUp is among the best user acquisition agencies today that has the right expertise, experience, and tools to help you create the best app campaigns. They specialize in helping app marketers and developers to obtain as many users as possible. Give ShyftUp a try today and see how Google app campaigns can help you achieve success!

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