How To Use Social Media For App Marketing
Mobile Growth

How To Use Social Media For App Marketing


Buse Kanal

Today, social media isn’t simply a place where people get in touch with each other. For app developers, it’s also a great avenue to increase app visibility, reach new users, and most importantly, improve branding.

Social Media

Image source: Unsplash

The question now is, “How can you effectively use social media for app marketing?” Thankfully, you don’t have to look far and wide for the answer. Read on and discover how you can take advantage of social media and improve your app marketing strategy.

Why does a mobile app need social media marketing?

When it comes to app marketing, you should never underestimate the power of social media. Here are some of the best reasons why you should use app marketing social media strategies:

Reach new customers

Did you know that more than 4.26 billion people in the world used social media in 2021? Not only that, but people spend about 144 minutes every day on social media. So, you can just imagine the gigantic opportunity that social media presents to app marketers.


How To Use Social Media For App Marketing

Image source: Unsplash

Social media are important branding tools. It’s no surprise that a lot of small and big companies make it a point that they have their official media channels.

With social media, you can reach out to your customers, build trust and loyalty, and most importantly, improve your brand image.

Increase earning potential

With billions of people using social media, you can dramatically create more opportunities to earn from your app. Using the right social media marketing strategies, you can get new users, improve relationships with existing users, and convince people to use your app. All these can lead to increased revenue.

What are Social Shares?

Social shares, as its name implies, are the number that represents how many times your content has been shared on social media. You, yourself, can share your content. However, it would be more effective if others will share your content on their social media network.

Social share is a key indicator of how your content is performing on social media. The higher your social shares, the more your content is being shared, which results in higher visibility.

Social Media

Image source: Vecteezy

As much as possible, do your best that people notice your content on social media and they share it with their contacts. Be sure that your content is helpful, engaging, and fun. When people see it as valuable, they will naturally share it with others.

Social shares play a crucial role in mobile social media marketing. Search engines, such as Google, take into consideration how many times the content is shared. They use social shares as a way to gauge whether your content is helpful or not. So, if you have more social shares, you’ll have a higher chance to rank better in search engines.

How to use Social Media for App Marketing

Now that you have a general idea of how social media can help your app grow, it is time to discover how you can use social media for app marketing.

Here are 7 of the best tips you should remember:

1. Create a social media profile

A social media profile is your virtual office where you can reach existing and potential users and where people can also reach you. One of the most common mistakes of new app marketers is that they use their personal social media accounts. This is not a good step because it will confuse your users.

If you are trying to build a great brand image, you need to create a dedicated social media profile. So that every time you add new content or updates, people will see your brand. This improves brand recognition and loyalty.

2. Update regularly

Marketing an app on social media isn’t a one-time event or activity. It’s a regular process that you do as long as you want to promote your app.

Remember, there are billions of content being added on various social media platforms. If you don’t add new content, your app won’t show on people’s feeds. Simply put, new content leads to better visibility on social media.

3. Hold contests or give out promos

Let’s face it: people become more interested in your app if they can get something out of it. With so much content on social media, it’s difficult to grab people’s attention unless you offer them something.

Holding a contest could dramatically improve your reach on social media. It doesn’t only engage your users but also encourages them to share your content.

For example, you can ask your users to like or follow your social media channel. In exchange, they’ll become a contestant and might win some goodies from you.

Aside from contests, you can give freebies to your users. Ask them to download your app and they’ll receive a free digital or physical product.

4. Promote your existing or upcoming app promos

If you’re running a new promo in your app, then you can cross-promote that on your social media accounts. 

Perhaps, you’re having a tournament in your gaming app. Maybe, you will hold a flash sale in your buy-and-sell app. Or, you might have an upcoming event for all your app users.

Social media are a great avenue to let more people know about your app’s promos and events.

5. Use paid ads

While social media platforms are free to use, they still need a business model that would allow them to earn something. That’s where ads come in.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other similar platforms offer their website as a place where you can promote your app. Sadly, organic reach in social media is steadily declining. The good news is that you can use paid ads to target specific users and ensure you get more downloads.

6. Get in touch with influencers

Influencers are people who have already owned a popular platform in social media. These influencers are famous people who have thousands or millions of followers. 

Now, imagine if you get a direct recommendation from any of these influencers. You will surely get an instant spike in your app downloads.

7. Use different types of content

Yes, you are on social media to promote your app. However, if that’s what people always hear from you, they’ll eventually tune out and unfollow you.

Don’t just share things directly about your app. You can also share things that you believe would benefit your users. This will improve your brand image and authority.

For example, if you have a fitness app, you can create a blog about how to stay healthy. If you have a budgeting app, you can share infographics about budgeting. You can share texts, images, and videos.

Get the right help

You just learned the best ways for you to promote your app on social media. When you do these tips, you’ll surely get more people to follow you and increase your app visibility.

Sometimes, app social media marketing can be challenging as well especially when you don’t have the right expertise and tools to do that. Thankfully, you can always get in touch with ShyftUp.

ShyftUp is among the leading user acquisition agencies that operate across hundreds of countries. They have the needed experience to help you create a social media marketing strategy that actually works. Aside from that, they’ll help you get more users and ultimately, increase your earnings.

So, if you’re ready to ensure your app gets the attention it deserves, you should get in touch with ShyftUp today!

What is the best way to market an app?

The best way to market an app depends on your budget, preference, and situation. Your options may include marketing your app in app stores, social media, search engines, and emails, to name a few.

How do you attract users to your apps?

People will use your app if they see how it can benefit them. That’s why, if you want to attract more users to your app, you need to show them how your app can solve their problems or in the case of gaming apps, entertain them.

How can I promote my app without money?

Social media platforms are free to use. You can create a social media account for your app and from there, consistently add content to promote your app.

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